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Thursday, December 31, 2009

eating for good luck

Down south, we have these silly ideas about what you MUST eat on New Year's day to bring you good luck for the coming year. Collard greens and black-eyed peas are the main things, as unappealing as they are to most folks (including me!) But, if you grew up with the tradition, you eat them anyway...sometimes while pinching your nose. The luck has something to do with the greens representing greenbacks and the peas coins.

This year, I've invited my husband's family up for dinner and since they are mid-westerners who don't fully appreciate this tradition, I'm going to try some new things to make these must-haves yummier. Basically, we're going to cover everything in bacon!

Here's what we're having:

roasted bacon-wrapped pork loin
twice baked potatoes
green bean bundles
collard green wontons
black-eyed peas (cooked w/ ham or bacon)
rolls and
sugar cream pie with blueberry sauce

Do you have any traditional New Year's foods? Please share!

We wish you all a happy and healthy 2010!


Aimee Larsen said...

So I thought I'd share that when we were little, we always ate collard greens and black eyed peas and my brother detested them. So, one day when he was around 7 or 8, he asked my daddy "Why do we have to eat that stuff, we are always broke anyway?" My dad was like, man what do I tell this kid! So he said, "Imagine how bad off we'd be if we didn't eat them." HA! I love that story!

Betsy! said...

you can always put the black eyed pea in a spoonful of honey and swallow it whole like i used to do! it only takes one pea for the good luck to work :)

nonna said...

Your dinner sounds delicious - I'm going to have to try the wontons.
Aunt Kaye fixed us ham, black-eyed peas, cabbage and cornbread. It was yummy!