This is my personal blog to help keep family and friends up to date with our projects. Feel free to follow along!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

vacation part 4: the beach!

Our ultimate destination during the epic vacation of 2010 was Topsail, NC. We met up with 5 other couples that I met in an online group for twin moms due at the same time. We met last year, just the moms, in Hot Springs, AR, but this was the first time the husbands got to meet. We had a blast! Did a whole lot of nothing and ate and drank lots and lots. It was so nice! And did I mention there were NO KIDS?!

We stayed in this little house right on the beach.

Lots of chatting, lots of sun!

The guys decided to treat us with wonderful dinners! I'm not sure if it was out of boredom or what, but it was good!

Here we all are!

Of course, we had TONS of fun and, of course, I took pics of everyone! You can see more over HERE at the Jennifer Pinkerton Photography blog.