**UPDATE** I now have an etsy SHOP where camera staps are available for purchase! You can find them HERE or you can click on the etsy banner on the right side of my blog. Thanks!!
Last month I made some
camera strap covers for some friends of mine. I shared my project with everyone, here and on cafemom.com, and unintentionally generated a lot of interest in them! I had a few offers to purchase them, so I decided I'd make a bunch and sell them for $12, including the shipping. I think at first I'll just offer them to my blog readers and friends on cafemom, so if you're interested, let me know! If they sell well, I'll set up a shop on etsy.com. They are quilted with fleece on the inside for some extra padding. Here's a sampling of the ones I have finished...

I love the straps. I have been wanting one. You are so talented. How do I order one? I am on your myspace, let me know I want 2 or 3. Thanks Jessica Lynn Photography
I saw one on the blog of thousand words photography (shannon) and she replied with your link and told me where to get one... I love the cuties accessories. I too am on cafemom and lots of phots groups within them. Do you mind if I post within the group and send them to your blog... I know they will love them too! they are wanting camera bags so I know this is right up their alley...
Sure, if you'd like, that would be great. Thanks! I also have some journal posts with the information on CM.
How do I order? I love the pink/red/orange strap!
you can email me at info@rebeccahelpling.com
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